apostrophe cast - a literary podcast

Adam Robinson reads for Apostrophe CastJoe Young reads for Apostrophe Cast

Adam Robinson & Joseph Young

This episode we bring you Joseph Young reading from Adam Robinson's collection, Adam Robison and Other Poems available from Narrow House, and Adam Robinson reading from Joseph Young's collection of microfiction, Easter Rabbit, available from Publishing Genius. Are they two ventriloquists using each other as dummies or two dummies using each other as ventriloquists? Who gets to sit on who's lap? Whatever the arrangement may be, the voices and visions they conjure from each other's mouths will astound and inspire. Please enjoy Joseph Young and Adam Robinson.

For more from these two, you can read Adam Robinson's Publishing Genius blog and Joe Young's blog, very small dogs.



Apostrophe Cast is a bi-weekly online reading series of all things literary. Every other Wednesday night, we offer a new reading or performance from another contributor. Our readings include creative writers from all genres, including fiction, poetry, songs and nonfiction.
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